Hats By Katrinka

Kate Brown Pernia is a Milliner on sabbatical in Switzerland. She has been designing hats and teaching millinery under her Katrinka label since the 1980s. Kate is also the founder of Houston Hat Net. View Katrinka hats and hat patterns at www.hatsbykatrinka.com.

Friday, April 28, 2006


We live 20km from the charming Swiss village of Appenzell whose buildings are painted with folk motifs. Appenzeller cheese is my absolute favorite and I understand their folk costumes are the best in Switzerland. I have been surfing today planning an excursion up the mountain by train to see the spring display of wildflowers. What I am really hoping to see is the drive of cattle to the Alpine summer pastures which I understand is quite the ceremony with folk costumes, singing, Sennenhunde (cattle dogs) etc. Treat yourself to the Alpine sound at http://www.appenzeller-produkte.ch/ by clicking on the Musik button. Don't know why but it brings tears to my eyes everytime. Enjoy! K Q:-)


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