Contrasts of a Swiss Frühling

Last Saturday my husband and I had lunch at the Colony Cafe’s outdoor patio. The snow was gone, the breeze was mild and Spring was in the air. It seemed that everyone in St. Gallen was out strolling enjoying the fine weather. Sporting young men were strutting in T-shirts glad that the snow was behind them. I spotted tiny flowers at the Parkli (little park) just across the street and wished that I had my camera to catch their glory.
Then on Monday we had 10 inches of snow! We had to dig out our down coats and winter boots again (sigh). Spring snow doesn’t last long tho'. Rain on Thursday melted most of it away. I checked back on the Blumen today fearing the worst but here they are as glorious as ever. This time I had camera in hand to share the moment.
Happy Spring!
Kate Q:-)
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