In Like a Lion

My mother used to tell us, "If March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb." In other words, you’ll get an early Spring. We got our lion last weekend when St. Gallen in the valley was hit with a rekord Schneefall. We got 25+ inches of snow on Saturday after it had rained all the night before. In the hills they had all snow so they accumulated much more. Here is a picture of my Sweetie on Sunday morning in our pretty little town. What was amazing to see next was how efficient the Swiss are at coping with snow. Within hours the main roads were cleared so that public transportation could go on as usual. In the Old Town, where we live, they’d plowed the streets in time for people to make it to church. In the next couple of days the small mountains of plowed snow were removed by construction equipment and dump trucks. I wonder where they take it? Meanwhile, lots of kids were heading for the train station with skis and snowboards.
A few days into the week the weather warmed up and the great melting began. We live at the top of our building so could hear the great mass of accumulated snow begin to loose and slide down the steep roof. Roofs here have little fences along the edges to keep the snow from causing avalanches on the streets below but the fences are small and can only do so much. Special crews came in to rope off areas of the street while daredevils shovel snow off the steep roofs before it nails someone 6 stories below. How would you like to have this guy’s job? Don’t worry. He’s wearing a harness in case his foot slips. Now, it’s mostly all gone but it’s snowing again today (Saturday) so who knows? We could be in for a very early Spring.
K Q:-)
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