Fasnacht or Mardi Gras Swiss German Style

So my Sherman gets hungry and decides it’s time for us to go find dinner around 9:30 pm. We go around the corner to La Taverna where they have great thin crust pizza (among other things). It’s snowing again and they seat us in front of the big window. While we are waiting for our dinner one of the many Guggemusig bands roaming around town post-parade marches by. This group have particularly nice costumes in blue with a fish theme including one guy in a terrific fish hat! (Oh why didn’t I have my camera in my purse?) What’s fun about these costumes is that they are all home-made so quite individual within the color and theme planned. This band marches right into the restaurant and plays When the Saints Come Marching In and other favorites loudly banging the big drums. A Lhasa Apso in the restaurant nearly loses her mind and escapes under the table! After a half dozen numbers including "In the Mighty Jungle" in German (apparently "a weem a way" is the same in German) the staff of La Taverna hands out a glass of wine to each band member. What a great way to enjoy our dinner!
K Q:-)
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