Hats By Katrinka

Kate Brown Pernia is a Milliner on sabbatical in Switzerland. She has been designing hats and teaching millinery under her Katrinka label since the 1980s. Kate is also the founder of Houston Hat Net. View Katrinka hats and hat patterns at www.hatsbykatrinka.com.

Friday, November 24, 2006

The Duomo in Siena

Awesome seems such a tired word by now but it truly describes this 13th century gothic cathedral in the heart of Siena. Two-thirds of the facade was covered by scaffolding since restoration work was in progress. Still we could appreciate the amazing decorative work.

No flash photography was allowed inside and my photography skills are still pretty basic so many of the inside pictures are dim.
The 15th century frescoes in this room are lit by natural light from the windows and tell the tale of Aeneas Piccolomini whom Rick Steves describes as "Siena's philanderer-turned-pope."
I love the wonderful headress on this lady inlaid in marble on the floor.

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