A Project for a Rainy Day

Well, we certainly seem to be making up for our hot dry July with a chilly and rainy August. No complaints...just an observation. Here’s what we are seeing lots of lately. By the way, summer is over here and the kids are back in school. All except Jasmine who will be starting first week of September at a beautiful private school.
Thinking about school clothes, we went shopping yesterday and Jazz picked out some cotton to make a skirt. She’d admired my tripled tiered skirt and decided to try her hand at making one. She tried on mine, we took her measurements, and I figured out how much we had to reduce my pattern to fit her lithe figure. We made a muslin for fitting and pre-shrunk her fabric yesterday. Then today we set out to make it into a skirt. Jazz is doing almost all of the work with some supervision by me. She took to it immediately and has already completed the base skirt and the first of three ruffles. We’ll post a picture of the finished product when it is complete.

I’m back to teaching. Yay Hurray! K Q:-)
P.S. That's Squeegee pinch hitting as pattern weight and stitching supervisor.
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