
Good news arrived in our mailbox this week! This little newspaper Anzeiger has a cover article about Countess Diana Bernadotte. Countess Diana is 24 years old and a Milliner out of passion, so says the headline. She lives and works in a Schloss on the island of Mainau near Konstanz on Lake Bodensee. I have not yet been to Mainau but it is nearby and so I have added it to my To Do List. I haven’t figured out yet whether she has a shop or whether she works at home (she’s married and has a 2 year old). So, I will keep plugging away with my German dictionary.

Meanwhile, it is 33 C. here today (91.4 F.) and I’m seeing more hats on the street. Mine still get a few suspicious and/or disapproving glances from the frowners but that’s ok. I’m cooler than they are. Who looks the coolest on Multergasse today? These charming young ladies and the street musicians in their Hüte! So, keep cool and don’t forget your hat!
Kate Q:-)
The Countess looks like my kind of gal...pushing the edge with millinery. An animal print top hat? Perfect! And that she creates in a schloss, well, I think she needs to know about the Houston Hat Net and invite us all over, surely she has room for us all.
Take your foot in hand (as the hillbillies say) and hie over to her castle and gawk until she finally comes out to shoo you away. Engage her in much needed hat chat. You may have found a new best friend!
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