Hats By Katrinka

Kate Brown Pernia is a Milliner on sabbatical in Switzerland. She has been designing hats and teaching millinery under her Katrinka label since the 1980s. Kate is also the founder of Houston Hat Net. View Katrinka hats and hat patterns at www.hatsbykatrinka.com.

Friday, June 30, 2006


Lest you think I’d forgotten that hiking trail I can see from my rooftop, here it is. Claremarie and I tried it out last week on our trip up to St. Georgen. A short walk along the path and we discovered the first of the three ponds I’d heard were in the area. This one is situated just behind a community garden on the hillside between trail and pond. It was a chilly afternoon but at least a dozen souls were swimming all wearing bright yellow swim caps. A club perhaps? I don’t want to speculate on how cold the mountain spring water was. Don’t you just love the herons and frogs carved into the bathhouse? As I write this now the final choruses of Carmina Burana up at the Kathedrale are wafting through my window. What a country!
Kate Q:-)


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