
We had two social events on our plate today. Starr had invited us to an art opening of her friend Rachel Lumsden in Arbon. We’d also been planning to go to Arbon for ostrich with our friend Rean. So we combined both events for a unique summer afternoon. Starr drove us to Arbon, a small picturesque town on the Bodensee. It has a tower and portions of city wall that date back to Roman times. Here you can see the tower.
After the Opening we met Rean at Frohsinn Restaurant & Brauerei on a patio shaded by chestnut trees. The beer, brewed on site, is very good. As for the ostrich, I was nervous about trying it but was pleasantly surprised. The meal comes on a wooden platter with a very hot stone on it. The ostrich steak is placed on the stone nearly raw but cooks to your preference at table. You slice and leave the meat on the stone until it is cooked to your liking. Delicious! We’d ordered small portions and couldn’t begin to finish the vegetables and french fries that came with it. We did eat all the steak tho’.
K Q:-)
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