Spring at Last!

The sun has come out again and our weather is glorious! Last weekend people were still in winter jackets here but now it’s sandals and tank tops with oozing midriffs everywhere you look. I guess the middle remains the current erogenous zone (sigh) - in many cases not a pretty sight! Whatever happened to sun dresses and straw hats? Cool but not ‘cool’ I guess. Too bad! We saw a man in a very short red miniskirt yesterday. (I have to practice that quickdraw with my camera!!!) Guess my hats are not the only unusual fashion in town.
My nephew David and his pal Parker are on a post-graduation tour of Europe. Two brand new U.Va. engineers, they stopped off to visit us en route from Venice to Munich. While we are probably the smallest town on their itinerary they were charmed by our little St. Gallen. We showed them the Kathedral and Stiftsbibliothek for world culture, did a little status watch window shopping then hopped the Mühleggbahn (our 100 meter subway) up the mountain to St. Georgen for a little afternoon hiking among wildflowers, cowbells and birdsong. They found the bars and the World Cup hoopla on their own last night. That’s my handsome nephew with the darker hair and his Patentanwalt uncle in the suit.
K Q:-)
Handsome lot you've got there! What fun! And perhaps the tummy fashion is not only erogenous, but erroneous as well...at least in my world!
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