St. Georgen

Another gorgeous day yesterday! I lured my hubby into taking the Mühleggbahn up to St. Georgen to tramp around in the fine weather. I have been searching for the ridge top hiking trail that I can see from my roof in St. Gallen. Sherman wanted to see the town tho’ so we took a less steep path and looked at houses and gardens. Isn’t this one a beauty? Perhaps it was a carriage house in another century. We walked a large circle and ended up at the Vögel Bäckerie Conditerie. Sitting on the sunny terrace next to the duck pond we split a hamburger with Schnittkartoffeln (fried potato wedges) and then indulged in dessert. Sherman ordered Kirschtorte (yummy and not too sweet!) and I had a Coupe Mühlegg which was a scoop each of vanilla, chocolate and coffee ice creams topped with rum, whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles and a big fat grape. Good thing I ordered klein instead of gross! We decided to walk it off down the mountain side.
Just before starting down I climbed some wooden stairs looking for the series of lakes we’d heard about. I didn’t find the lakes but did see the beginning of the Wanderweg (hiking trail) I’d been searching for. Next time! K Q:-)
What a beautiful place! Thanks for sharing your day.
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