Geneva Shopping and Dinner

Window shopping has been one of my favorite pastimes ever since I lived in New York. Sherman enjoys it too where watches are concerned even tho’ he already has a nice Swiss watch. It is truly amazing what some go for these days - in the five figures! I do not understand the appeal of the status watch or of wearing someone else’s logo on your chest. Perhaps it’s because I sew and value unique rather than status. Oh well, I know I’m in the minority. Here are some of the windows we peered into in Geneva. The carved wooden clock is an old Swiss wind-up. No price in the window which means it’s really expensive but aren’t the carved wooden birds wonderful? The purse was in Gucci’s window - rather shrine-like don’t you think? Yikes! Again, no price and if you have to ask....well, you know the rest. Of course, another status item. There is lots of money in Geneva so there are many window goodies. I also saw more dresses, cute little skirts, heels and hats in Geneva too. Don't you just love the cut of this little jacket? It was raining when we set out or I would have worn one of my dressier straw hats. Perhaps I need a 'do over'?
Saturday night we had dinner with the parents of one of Sherman’s colleagues who live in Geneva. Hannalor and Gustav are lovely, gracious people and served us a fine European style meal Hannalor made in their home. We began with champagne then sat down at table. Sherman warned me to count the silver at our place settings as it was an indication of how many courses were in store. First, we were served a cold and creamy cucumber soup with toast points. Next came Saucisson en croute, a tangy Geneva sausage wrapped in feuillete pastry and served with an arugula (Roquette) salad and a local Rosé wine. I thought the Saucisson was the main course but was mistaken. Out came a platter with perfectly cooked roast beef in a delicious herb sauce, accompanied by carrots, green beans and Rösti, a Swiss potato dish which is one of our favorites. Oh dear! I still had silver to go. Next came the cheese course, a creamy Boursaullt and a hard Spanish Manchego served with French bread and another glass of the Rosé, then a sundae glass full of strawberries and raspberries in berry sauce topped with whipped cream. No! That was not dessert but the fruit course. At last came a Spanish San Marco torte served with coffee. I thought I would burst! The men had a postprandial ‘digestive’ of an anise flavored liqueur served over ice but since licorice is not a favorite of mine I did not indulge. We were at table a full four hours. Back at our hotel later, we each drank a liter of sparkling water at the Café to give ourselves time to digest. Delicieux!
Kate Q:-)
Oh, my! What opportunities you and Sherman are having. Love it!
A pound or two gained in that manner is well worth the cost of then needing new clothes!
What a memorable feast.
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