Book Club

The first Friday of each month I hop a train to Zurich, along with my friend Starr, to the American Women’s Club where our Book Club meets. These ladies are the best! In July and August the AWC is closed so we meet in a member’s home rather than skip the summer months. It’s just too much fun to miss. This month our club read The City of Falling Angels by John Berendt, a delightful tale about Venice and her characters. In a reversal of the usual trip, Starr hosted the meeting at her home here in St. Gallen and her charming husband Holger took the day off work to fix us a delicious Venetian cold lunch. Feast your eyes! After lunch, we had a guided tour (in English) of historic highlights of St. Gallen. Before today, I didn't know that we have the oldest church bell on the continent of Europe, brought from Ireland by Gallus in the year 612!
Tho’ it was chilly and rainy (What a difference a week makes - 14 C. here today!) it didn’t dampen our spirits one bit. Bravissimo, Starr & Holger, for a great day!
K Q:-)
Guess we're all in a bookish mood! Feast indeed, and so perfect with a bit of cooler weather.
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