A Busy Day

Yesterday was a day of contrasts. Early in the day John picked us up to drive us out to the castle to meet John Travis, his new baby boy, whom he is very proud of. Can you tell? After a champagne toast and visit with the happy family, John drove us back to town. We bought some sandwiches and stopped off for a picnic at the Botanical Garden. Lots of Pflanzen were pretty burned up by our July heat but I love this garden and will definitely go back often - especially in the Spring when the wisteria and narcissus are blooming. There’s a beautiful church nearby that warrants exploration too. Doesn’t my hubby look handsome in his Italian fedora (a Guerra)?
After lunch we headed back to town where the St. Galler Fest was in full swing. This is a two day party with food booths, live music and serious partying in the streets. It went on all afternoon Friday late into the night and then all day Saturday until 2:30 a.m. this morning. We enjoyed sampling the various ethnic foods and the music which varied from Munich beer garden music to Dixieland jazz and cool blues - really good! Our gal, Jazz had a lot of fun with her green glow-in-the-dark glasses and had some Swiss girls begging for tastes of her strawberry cotton candy. We cruised by Pipi Strello's Bar to visit our Sicilian pals Pipi and Mario of Timebridge (rock band) who were pleased to pose for us.
As you see, it’s not all yodeling and ooompah music over here (tho’ there IS some of that too!).
K Q:-)
You just have the BEST times!!
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