Hats By Katrinka

Kate Brown Pernia is a Milliner on sabbatical in Switzerland. She has been designing hats and teaching millinery under her Katrinka label since the 1980s. Kate is also the founder of Houston Hat Net. View Katrinka hats and hat patterns at www.hatsbykatrinka.com.

Friday, November 24, 2006

San Antimo

Here is an inside view of San Antimo lit only with light from the windows. There is a lot of alabaster used in the structure which I am told glows if the light is right. The order of monks who live and worship here are found in only one other place in the world at Mont St. Michel in France.

The place smelled of incense and the Sacristan was practicing his flute while we looked around. The acoustics are wonderful.

This lion forms the base of the holy water font at the door of the church.

Just outside the church are these ancient olive trees. Can you imagine counting the rings on this one? It must be 1,000 years old! I should have had Missy stand next to it for a perspective on how wide the trunk is.
K Q:-) Posted by Picasa


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