Olma and Appenzeller Hats

Today I met my friends Starr and Holger for the Olma. This grand exhibition for all of East Switzerland is held here each Fall. Like the Spring Offa, Olma is a kind of combination livestock show, wine and food tasting, home show, carnival, and crafts market all rolled into one huge party with lots of beer and music too. It goes on for 10 days. Things really got rolling this morning about 10 with a parade that passed by our front door and proceeded through the Old Town to the exhibition halls. This year Appenzell is featured so the costumes are particularly colorful and the cheeses delicious.
I’ve been wanting to get some pictures of the Trachtenhüte (folk costume hats) and today I went trigger happy. Hand embroidery, hand made lace and, I am told, these are sold only to Appenzellers. They are expensive too. I was able to get close to observe the Handwerk. What a treat for this milliner! More later, on men’s Hüte.
Kate Q:-)

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