Hochzeit in Mogelsberg

Saturday we had the great pleasure of attending the wedding of new friends here in Switzerland. Bryan, an American, married Karin, who is Swiss. Both belong to a group we meet with for occasional culinary sprees in each other’s homes. They very generously included us in their celebration despite the fact that we are newcomers in their lives. What a great day!
We drove out into the countryside with Starr and Holger to Mogelsburg for the ceremony which was performed in both Swiss German and English. Friends and family had arrived from many countries and, believe it or not, we met an uncle and aunt from America who had once lived in Friendswood Texas. Small world!
Karin is a nurse so when we exited der Kirche after the wedding her colleagues attired in scrubs had formed an archway of medical devices like the raised swords in a military wedding. Hilarious! Apero followed the ceremony in front of the church with Swiss folk music and wine and delicacies passed by ladies in traditional dress. Later that evening we drove to a mountaintop chalet in Appenzell for a lamb dinner reception with more music, wine and dancing.

Aside from the babies, I was the only one wearing a hat just finished Saturday morning (replacing the one I'd lost on the plane coming over here).
K Q:-)

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